Would you like to WIN a New Zealand art book?
Got some space on your bookshelf?
Promoting Prosperity, by Peter Alsop and Gary Stewart, is jam-packed with over 750 artworks and a range of insightful essays by respected commentators such as Dick Frizzell and Richard Wolfe.
Our city is competing in the Gigatown competition to gain access to affordable ultra-fast broadband speeds of one gigabit per second and we need your help. We’d love to have your support so we’re offering you a chance to WIN this beautiful book which showcases New Zealand’s early advertising art.
How do you enter the prize draw?
• Email us at quiz@gigatownporirua.co.nz with “Win
Art Book” in the subject line bymidnight Thursday 11
September (or click the enter button at the bottom of this
e-mail for a shortcut)
• We’ll sign you up to earn
points for Porirua’s Gigatown bid – and you will be
asked to verify your sign-up in a follow-up email from
Gigatown. We ask you to select Porirua as the town you
support. Once you’ve completed this step you’re in the
What’s Gigatown?
Porirua City
is in a race against the clock to reach the Gigatown
competition finals by midday onFriday 12 September.
The winning town will have access to some of the fastest Internet in the Southern Hemisphere at a discounted price for three years, and will also receive a $200,000 entrepreneur and innovation fund.
We’re currently
sitting in 6th place, and we need to be in the top 5 to make
it into the finals. You can help get us there by signing up
as a supporter – which earns points for our bid!
Porirua wins Gigatown, the benefits will extend to the whole
of the Wellington region. We will have the ability to
attract more technology companies, accelerate the growth of
businesses based here, and provide high tech jobs and
careers for our young people. Our regional economy will
receive a boost, and we'll be a big step closer to becoming
a digital innovation hub for New Zealand.
For more information about the Gigatown competition, visit www.gigatown.co.nz
Here’s a link to
a short message from our Giga Mayor Nick Leggett aka Giga