Unitec presents ... WIDOWS
Unitec presents ... WIDOWS
Ariel Dorfman and Tony Kushner
Directed by John
Featuring Unitec's 2014 Year 2 actors in their first full production at Unitec Theatre
Beside the river, an old woman
The younger women bicker and are lost in the grief
of their village.
These are evil days, men are murdered,
and others simply disappear.
The military junta carve up
the land like a roasted goat.
Then something appears in
the river, and the soldiers start to lose
Widows, by Ariel Dorfman and Tony
Kushner, is a powerful indictment of the military
dictatorships that ruled in much of Latin America in the
later half of the 20th century. The play deals with the
lives of a group of widows and how, under the leadership of
their matriarch, they evoke from the river a truth that
cannot be denied.
Dates/Times, Venue and Ticket
Unitec Theatre, Gate 1, Building 6,
Carrington Rd, Mt Albert, Auckland
12-20 September 2014
@7.00pm No show Sunday
Saturday Matinee on 20
September @ 2.00pm
Tickets at www.iTICKET.co.nz (09)
361 1000.
Buy here: http://www.iticket.co.nz/events/2014/sep/widows
Approx 2hrs + interval (R15)