Arthritis New Zealand says THANK YOU!
Arthritis New Zealand says THANK YOU! To all our wonderful volunteers.
Sandra Kirby, Chief Executive of Arthritis
New Zealand, today expressed her gratitude to the many
volunteers who assist the charity in so many different ways,
ahead of Volunteer Awareness Week (15-21 June).
This year, the theme of Volunteer Awareness Week is “Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te tangata,” which can be translated as “With your contribution, and my contribution, the people will live”.
“Arthritis is one of New Zealand’s leading causes of disability. And we are the national organisation focussed on raising awareness of the more than 140 different forms of arthritis, advocating for those with the condition, and providing advice and support.”
“Volunteers are vital to our work. Without the many volunteers who help us in so many different ways, such as collecting during our annual appeal, helping with exercise classes, driving, volunteering at children’s camps, assisting at seminars, working in our offices, being on support groups, supporting us through committees, promoting our services, and much more, Arthritis New Zealand would be unable to provide its wide level of support to the 530,000 New Zealanders living with arthritis.”
“If you would like to volunteer for us, we would love to hear from you. Phone 0800 663 463 or visit our website,” Ms Kirby concluded.