Care Kits for People Bereaved by Suicide
Care Kits for People Bereaved by Suicide
Fundraising to support those grieving loss to suicide
For every suicide, at least six people are affected by the death. These people are called suicide survivors. To get through their immense grief and trauma, they need to know they are not alone. In New Zealand, about ten people die by suicide per week. That’s a minimum of 60 survivors per week who need our love and support. 3000 plus per year. People bereaved by suicide are themselves at increased suicide risk.
Gemma Claire set up the fundraiser Care Kits for People Bereaved by Suicide after losing someone to suicide earlier this year. She plans to create packages containing comforting items, such as a journal, pen, candle, stress ball, drawing paper, colouring pencils, relaxation CD, information about suicide grief, a resource about supporting children and teenagers through suicide grief, a list of places to go for support, information about dealing with the practicalities, tissues, energy drink, meal replacement sachets, snacks, and so on. These packs would be distributed through survivor support groups and agencies that assist survivors.
Gemma wants to compile 100 kits in the short term, with a view to the project becoming ongoing. To reach her initial goal, she needs to fundraise $5000.
Care Kits for People Bereaved by Suicide has already received much appreciated support in the form of donated products from STAEDTLER, Tasti and Red Bull.
To support this cause, please visit
The key is in the name – Give a little because every little bit helps.