Driver Reviver stops to help weary Labour Weekend drivers
State Driver Reviver stops to help weary Labour Weekend drivers recharge
Thousands of travellers are expected to pull into State Driver Reviver rest stops on some of the country’s main routes this Labour Weekend to combat driver fatigue and enjoy free refreshments.
State Insurance staff will be enticing them to take a break with free barista coffee, a sausage sizzle, fruit, bottled water, kids’ activities and Portaloos. Tired drivers can even take a nap!
The Ministry of Transport’s figures for 2012 show that 51 people died in crashes where fatigue was identified as a factor, 139 suffered serious injuries and another 555 suffered minor injuries. The total social cost of crashes involving fatigue in 2012 was an estimated $291 million.
“State volunteers have been out on the highways serving free food and drink every Easter and Labour Weekend for nearly ten years, to remind drivers of the creeping danger of fatigue,” says Roger Wallace, General Manager State Insurance.
“We’re urging you to stop and get out of the car for at least 15 minutes the moment you notice any sign of fatigue. Have something light to eat or drink. Pull over somewhere safe if you need to take a nap, but don’t sleep for more than 20 minutes, as you may feel groggy. And don’t drive off for at least 10 minutes after that, to make sure you’re fully awake.
“Surprisingly, a lot of fatigue accidents happen when a driver is close to their destination, or just after they’ve set out. People decide to try to push on through fatigue because they’re nearly there. Or they start driving when still half-asleep.”
To help you avoid driver fatigue:
· Get a good night's sleep before driving, preferably eight hours
· Plan your journey to include rest breaks
· Share the driving when possible
· Take someone to help you stay alert and watch you for signs of fatigue
· Don’t drive during the hours when you would normally be sleeping or napping
· Make sure you’re fully awake before driving following a period of sleep
· Snack on light, fresh foods, nothing rich or sugary, and don’t drink any alcohol at all
· Get plenty of fresh air
· If possible, avoid driving for several days following long-distance air travel.
You may be suffering from driver fatigue if you are:
· Having trouble focusing, keeping your eyes open or holding your head up
· Daydreaming, having wandering or disconnected thoughts, or loss of memory
· Yawning or rubbing your eyes repeatedly
· Drifting from your lane, tailgating and missing signs or exits
· Feeling restless and irritable.
State Driver Reviver – Labour weekend 2013
Go to for details of the five State Driver Reviver rest stops, with scheduled times subject to light and weather conditions:
Ruakaka, Northland
Uretiti Weigh Station
State Highway 1, 30km south of Whangarei
Monday 28 October, 10.00am - 6.00pm
Putaruru, Waikato
VTNZ Testing Station
State Highway 1, 2km south of Putaruru
Friday 25 October, 1.00pm - 6.00pm
Saturday 26 October, 8.30am - 2.00pm
Ohakea, Manawatu
Weigh Station
State Highway 1, 2km south of Bulls
Monday 28 October, 10.00am - 6.00pm
Lewis Pass, Canterbury
Engineers Camp
State Highway 7
Saturday 26 October, 10.00am - 6.00pm
Ealing, Canterbury
Rest Area
State Highway 1, 110km south of Christchurch
Monday 28 October, 10.00am - 6.00pm