“Pretty Brutal” - Pick of the Documentary Edge Festvial 2013
“Pretty Brutal” - Pick of the Documentary Edge
Festvial 2013
to Screen In Gisborne This Month – One
Show Only!
New Zealand director Monica De Alwis stamped her mark on New Zealand’s documentary scene earlier this year as her feature debut, Pretty Brutal, picked up Best NZ Feature Documentary, Best NZ Director and Best NZ Editing at Australasia’s leading international documentary event; the Documentary Edge Festival.
After pit stops at international festivals in New York and Los Angeles, Pretty Brutal is about to roll out around New Zealand, as part of the inaugural Documentary Edge Region Tour 2013. First venue - Gisborne’s gorgeous Dome Cinema, Friday September 13th at 8:00 PM.
Pretty Brutal has been much anticipated up and down the country by communities surrounding the colourful and fast-paced, all-girl contact sport of Roller Derby. Pretty Brutal explores unexpected characters within New Zealand’s pioneering league, the “Pirate City Rollers,” as they embark on their debut competitive season. In recent history, the Auckland based Pirates helped spark a derby phenomenon around NZ, a little country now boasting over 20 Roller Derby outfits in several locations from Northland to Dunedin and everywhere in between - Gisborne has also had its share of rumblings!
Doc Edge Festival organizers remarked; “Pretty brutal illuminated a particular moment in time – and it did so with commitment and close-up confidence. It preserved a particular piece of history.”
For a film about a niche sport, Pretty Brutal still managed to attract some of the largest audiences at the festival earlier this year. The diversity of those crowds and the surrounding medial buzz proved Pretty Brutal is not only a film for the derby community. Like better sports docos, Pretty Brutal tells a compelling story in it’s own right and Roller Derby becomes the stage on which the dynamics of human relationships play out. Between slams to the concrete a bittersweet and intimate story emerges, about ambition, obsession and trying to connect. Throw in the teething pains of a fledgling sport, adrenaline fueled action, interviews, fly-on-the-wall footage and original graphics for a film that can appeal to anyone who has gathered under a banner.
Be at the Dome Cinema for a single Gisborne screening and
get a local, insider perspective on the start-up of an
underground sporting phenomena that has been sweeping the
The Doc Edge Region Tour is committed to bringing
festival films to smaller centers around the country and
will announce more dates and locations shortly. Stay
informed by liking the Pretty Brutal facebook page:
WHO: Filmmaker
Monica De Alwis
WHAT: 62 minute
doco, Pretty
WHEN: Documentary Edge
Inaugrual Region
Tour Gisborne… Friday
September 13th
Dome Cinema
38 Childers
Gisborne 4010
New Zealand
Click for big version.
More dates and locations to be announced -