What's coming up at The Dowse
What's coming up at The Dowse

Late Lounge with
City Oh Sigh Thurs 5 September 2013, 7pm | Koha
City Oh Sigh is a quartet of trained musicians who carefully craft soulful songs, capturing audiences with their softness and beauty. The band combines unique instrumentation with subtle elements of folk and minimalist pop to emerge with a sound that is both difficult to categorise yet warmly familiar. Enjoy the relaxed vibe of the September Late Lounge, all galleries, cafe, shop and cash bar open until 9pm. Image attached
Talk & Tour: Volker Albus Sat 24
August 2013, 11am | FREE
Meet German designer, and
curator of our exhibition New Olds, Volker Albus, and
hear his insights into the changing world of contemporary
design. Images attached.
Talk & Tour: Eve Armstrong Sun 1
September 2013, 1pm | FREE
Find out about Eve Armstrong's
artist project, Rise, and how her
constructions were inspired by her exploration of Lower
Hutt. Image attached.
The Underground Market at The Dowse
8 September 2013, 11am–3pm
The weekly Underground
Market on Wellington’s waterfront has expanded to bring a
“best of the best” art and craft market to The Dowse on
the second Sunday of every month.
Opening Exhibitions…
New Olds: Design Between Tradition and
Innovation 24 August – 22 September 2013
objects are imbued with new qualities in a design exhibition
featuring 60 works by 45 European and American designers.
New Olds: Design Between Tradition and Innovation, an
exhibition by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations,
Stuttgart (ifa), presents household objects with a quirky
21st century twist. The exhibition is curated by German
architect and designer, Volker Albus, who will be in New
Zealand for the show's opening. Images attached.
release: http://www.dowse.org.nz/en/News/Latest-News/New-Olds-International-design-exhibition-opens-at-The-Dowse/
Ongoing Exhibitions…
Home Sewn: Original New Zealand Fashion
10 August – 24 November 2013 | FREE
Curated by Doris de
Pont, one time New Zealand fashion designer, Home Sewn
is a retrospective of the home sewing revolution in New
Zealand. At a time when off-the-peg fashion was scarce and
expensive, home sewing provided many generations of women
with a stylish wardrobe that reflected the current couture
of the fashion capitals. Home Sewn is a touring
exhibition from the New Zealand Fashion Museum.
Armstrong: Rise 10 August – 24 November 2013 | FREE
artist project by Wellington's Eve Armstrong that draws on
everyday materials and environments around Lower Hutt to
create a series of intriguing sculptural collages.
Eve once described her art practice as making "adaptable support structures". Often these structures are object-based, like Rise, which uses found and second hand materials to conduct experiments in colour and form. "My work is typically made in quite a precarious way – different components are arranged rather than being glued. There's often a lot of propping, stacking, leaning, hanging – constant making and re-making."
Kobi Bosshard 15 June – 13 October
2013 | FREE | Objectspace Masters of Craft Series
Bosshard is widely regarded as 'the grandfather' of New
Zealand contemporary jewellery. This stunning exhibiton
features a selection of his jewellery from the 1960s to the
present; works loaned from public and private collections
around New Zealand and overseas.
Born in Switzerland in 1938, Kobi trained as a goldsmith as did his father and grandfather. In 1966, he came to New Zealand where he worked as an alpine guide. He established Fluxus (with Steve Mulqueen) in 1983 and continued working as a full-time jeweller up until his semi-retirement in 2001.
Sorry I am
Out of Order 1 June – 15 September 2013 | FREE
selection of works from The Dowse’s collection all suggest
disruption of the usual order. In various ways they play up,
act out and disturb us. Many of the works included in
Sorry I Am Out Of Order are from a long-term loan to
The Dowse by Wellington collectors Jim Barr and Mary Barr,
demonstrating the spiky humour and playful contrariness that
distinguishes their approach to collecting.
Closing Exhibitions…
Pic ‘n’ Mix 29 June – 1 September
2013 | FREE
This time, we’ve handed the reins over to
you. To celebrate all the children who visit The Dowse, our
new family show Pic 'n' Mix has been curated by a
younger set of visitors. Nineteen local children have each
chosen a favourite artwork from the collection.
From a plane to a dog to a very large apple, Pic ‘n’ Mix is an eclectic show that highlights the unique perspective children bring to the world of contemporary art.