Big Bang to God: The Evolution of Thought: Sir Lloyd Geering
MEDIA RELEASE: St Andrew’s Trust for the Study of Religion and Society
4 July 2013
Professor Sir Lloyd Geering will present a series of four lectures on From the Big Bang to God: The Evolution of Thought
The lectures start at 12:15 in St Andrew's on The Terrace, 30 The Terrace
July 9 Noogenesis – Emergence of the Thought World
July 16 Theogenesis – The Emergence of the Gods
July 23 Homogemesis – Humankind Comes of Age
July 30 Can Humans Play God?
We humans live in two worlds: The physical universe (whose evolution from the big bang to the arrival of homo sapiens was covered in the last series entitled Evolution: The Real Genesis) and the world of human thought (which humans have constructed in the last 50,000 years). It is through the lens of this latter world that we view, come to understand, and make our response to the physical universe of which we are a part. This series sketches the evolution of this second world from the invention of language to the ‘death of God’ and the new responsibilities we now find ourselves facing.
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