Indigenous verification system supports OANZ market report
Indigenous verification system supports OANZ market report
Te Waka Kai Ora (National Māori Organics
Authority Aotearoa)
The Organic Market Report
2012, due to be launched in Parliament this Wednesday,
March 6, includes a contribution from Te Waka Kai Ora, the
national Māori organics authority, which reports on the
strong desire from Māori communities for food grown
according to key Māori principles.
The national co
ordinator of Te Waka Kai Ora (TWKO) , Moko Morris, says,
“As well as meeting Maori and non-Maori consumer
demand for organic and ethical products, Māori communities
are taking control of their food systems to ensure that the
whakapapa of their food is clear and transparent, and that
it is grown in ways which support our creation
The market report highlights the recent growth of organics generally, but more importantly signals the opportunities available for sustainable growth in the medium to long term. “There are exciting times ahead” says Moko, “not just for our people, but for our whenua as well. Using production practices in line with our traditional tikanga, we are restoring our relationship with Papatuanuku (Mother Earth), which has been damaged by production techniques which pollute and degrade soils and water.”
“Global interest – particularly from our
Pacific Island relations - places us in an ideal position
to advance organic methods in ways which celebrate our
indigenous characteristics”. says Moko Morris.