Experience the story of Christmas by text, Facebook, Twitter
Experience the story of Christmas via text, Facebook and Twitter
This Christmas people are being encouraged to follow the Christmas story by subscribing to the texting service KiwiAdvent.
KiwiAdvent is a chance for people to experience the Advent story, from 18th to 25th December, through first person story-telling delivered free straight to subscribers' mobile phones either by text, Facebook or Twitter through a series of 30 short messages. KiwiAdvent follows the success of the KiwiEaster texting service run earlier in the year.
Presbyterian Youth Ministry (PYM) are behind the texting initiative. The texts unfold the advent story from the viewpoint of a number of different people in the Bible via short messages - each biblical character shares their own unique viewpoint on what they see and experience, allowing the subscriber to journey with the characters as they congregate at the stable in Bethlehem on Christmas Day. KiwiAdvent was written with the help from a group of young adults from St John's in the City Presbyterian Church, Wellington.
Carlton Johnstone, National Youth Ministry Development Leader for the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand says, "KiwiAdvent is a media-savvy way for people to engage in the Christmas story. It provides a fresh take and experience on Christmas as it draws people into the story daily over the course of the week before Jesus' birth."
This innovative Advent texting project is available to anyone to sign up to by simply texting 'follow kiwiadvent' to 8987.
information at www.kiwiadvent.org.nz
information about Presbyterian Youth Ministry can be found
at www.pym.org.nz