Film Screening this Saturday
Free Film Screening Saturday 24 November,
New Zealand Film Archive
84 Taranaki
brought to you by the Adam Art Gallery and Elam
School of Fine Arts
In support of the one work exhibition of Martha Rosler’s The Bowery in Two Inadequate Descriptive Systems (1974-75) the Adam Art Gallery, with the Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland, present the second of two practitioner-focused events exploring the history, politics, and contemporaneity of documentary practice.
Films Screening:
Martha Rosler Reads “Vogue”, dir. Martha Rosler, 1982. 25:45 min., colour, sound
Super-8 Shorts,
dir. Martha Rosler, 1974. 14:50 min., Super 8mm film on
video, colour, silent
Backyard Economy
I, 3:26 min.
Backyard Economy II (Diane Germain Mowing), 6:32 min.
Flower Fields, 3:40 min.
Te matakite o Aotearoa
/ The Māori Land March, dir. Geoff Steven, 1975,
Seehear Films/TV2. 60 min., colour, sound. Photography: Leon
Narbey, Camera Assistant: Gil Scrine, Sound: Philip Dadson,
Editing: Geoff Steven, Philip Dadson, Gil
Why did so many artists of the 1970s make
argument-based films? What does the interplay of sound and
image offer to the aesthetics of conceptual art? And where
do we locate the global resonance of social issues as
indigenous as The Bowery, and as historical as the Māori
land march?
Please note: Doors open at 4.00 pm,
screening at 4.15 sharp!
Alex Monteith and Christina
Barton will lead a conversation after the
Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka
Victoria University of Wellington
Gate 3, Kelburn Parade
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140,
New Zealand
+ 64 4 463 5229
Tuesday –
Sunday, 11am - 5pm