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A new adventure racing charitable trust led by high-profile sportsperson Richie McCaw announces the return of One NZ GODZONE, the world’s largest expedition race.
The introduction of more diverse learning options in our communities opens more choice for families and students and offers a new start for children who have been disengaged or who will benefit from a different approach.
Auckland and Christchurch schools will join the existing Tauranga and Tairāwhiti schools and businesses participating in the Wednesday Challenge when it again launches on Wednesday February 26th and runs throughout the year.
Every year between Valentine’s Day (14th Feb) and International Women’s Day (8th March), thousands of Kiwis assemble and donate handbags filled with essential items to help women passing through Women’s Refuges. These bags, more than just practical gifts, are symbols of love, empowerment, and support for women starting over after unimaginable hardships.
Australian and New Zealand aid and support will be crucial in containing Fiji’s serious HIV outbreak – including combating the drug trade that is fuelling it.
It captures the rich history and profound impact of the Waitangi Tribunal over the past 50 years. Through a series of 50 images and narratives, the exhibition explores pivotal moments, landmark cases, and the enduring legacy of the Tribunal in addressing Treaty of Waitangi grievances.