Ample Films Open Casting Call for Stars in Her Eyes Movie
Ample Films Media Release
August 10, 2012
Ample Films Open Casting Call
for Stars in Her Eyes Movie
Ample Films has
announced an open casting call to the public. This is an
opportunity for people to see if they have got what it takes
to star in movie.
This romantic comedy explores the trials of Anousha, an Indian New Zealander looking for love while caring for her sick mother. Ample Films are seeking people from all different backgrounds and ages for the film.
Details of each role can be found on their face book page
This movie won’t just use different casting techniques ,they are rethinking how films are usually funded and how they’re made. They want Stars in Her Eyes to belong to the public. And be shaped by them too.
Shooting begins in mid October for a national release in June next year.
Where and when: Full details of
how to audition online can be found at