Film Society starts this coming Monday!
[Filmsoc] Film Society starts this coming Monday!
Finally quality cinema returns to Christchurch with the start of the 2011 Canterbury Film Society mini-season on Monday 13 June at CPIT.
At 6:30pm we will be screening Akiria Kurosawa's YOJIMBO in the CPSA building on Madras Street. For a detailed map of how to get there, please visit our website -
Membership for this mini-season is only $40 for all 9 films. This is the only membership option we are offering this year. For those of you who held full memberships that had not expired at our original launching date of 14 March, these memberships have been frozen and will resume next year and you will need to purchase the $40 membership to attend this special abbreviated season. Please note that the $40 ticket will entitle members to discounted tickets at the New Zealand International Film Festival in Christchurch in August.
You will find this season a little different as we don't have a traditional cinema to screen in. However, we hope that you will find the environment more social and laid back. Members can bring along non-alcoholic drinks, potato chips, lollies etc but as we don't have a licence, we can't allow alcohol to be consumed on the premises.
We're looking forward to seeing you all on Monday night.