The End of the Automobile?
The End of the Automobile?
Oil prices are skyrocketing, carbon emissions are deplored and they face extra taxation. Biofuels have produced little more than controversy. Dr John Robinson, a research scientist, tells us to prepare for a changed society after the one-century life of the automobile In Conversation with Noel Cheer on Triangle/Stratos Television.
*Stratos Television, Nationwide*: *Monday April 25th at 7:30pm (repeated April 27th at 6:30am and April 29th at 12:30pm). Stratos is found on Sky Digital Channel 89 and Freeview (satellite and HD) Channel 21. Stratos is found also on Telstraclear Cable Channel 89 in Wellington, Kapiti and Christchurch and on the streaming television website
* *Triangle Television, Auckland (UHF Channels 41, 42 and 52): Wednesday April 27th at 7:00pm (repeated April 29nd at 12:30pm) *