Aisles Turn to Catwalks as Stolen Girlfriends Club Invade
Aisles Turn to Catwalks as Stolen Girlfriends Club Invade New World Victoria Park.

Today Stolen Girlfriends Club presented their Spring 2011 collection ‘Untitled’ in the most unanticipated manner. Gone were the runways, front row seating, backstage, and media-only invite list.
For 6 minutes New World Supermarket at Victoria Park (Auckland) was taken over by twenty models treating each aisle as a catwalk, and the public were the inadvertent guests to the ‘Untitled’ show.
Marc Moore, design director of Stolen Girlfriends Club, had wanted to present ‘Untitled’ in a location that took fashion out of its usual context.
“We thought about presenting our new collection in a total random and public place, we wanted it to be like a ‘fashion flash-mob. It’s always a challenge to keep people on their toes in anticipation but I think that today’s show really did surprise”.
It was a grocery trip to New World Victoria Park 3 years ago that triggered the idea and presented Stolen Girlfriends Club the setting for their pop-up fashion show.
“We noticed how the supermarket aisles served as a natural catwalk, so we got thinking about how we could turn this idea into reality. We had wanted to do a collaborative project with Red Bull for a while and this seemed like the perfect fit,” said Moore.
Red Bull has worked alongside Stolen Girlfriends Club since it’s creation in 2005 and Grace Boyle Red Bull Culture Manager has always appreciated their unique creativity.
“Red Bull and Stolen Girlfriends Club share the same passion and vision for doing things in a non conformist way. We have a reputation for giving ‘wings’ to people and ideas and this was the perfect opportunity.”