Next Exhibition: Twisted Dolls

Michele Irving - Werewolf as Medusa
PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release.
WHAT: Twisted Dolls
WITH: Michele Irving, Ruth Korver, Sam Broad, Vaune Mason, Antoinette Radcliffe, Yoon Chang, Lorraine Abernathy, Alexandra Power, Mary Laine
WHEN: 24 March – 9 April 2011
WHERE: ROAR! gallery
Near the corner of Vivian and Victoria
Nasty creepy doll gremlins, werewolves and unnerving versions of the cherished ‘pretty’ doll emerge from the strange caverns of imagination. Nine artists from all over New Zealand explore the underbelly of dolls in their many forms. Alexandra Power notes, “A dolls’ face can be very deceiving… many of them can give off a bone-chilling and depressing energy.”
Through installations, paintings, photographs and sculpted fantasies themes of subjectivity and sadness, loss and memory are explored… Yoon Chang’s dolls eye the world through pinhole cameras turning the gaze back on the viewer. Vaune Mason’s creations, a verdant mix of detail and material surface look to open the door to memory and Michele Irving’s werewolves seductively masquerade as mythical figures from the ancient world.
Join us at ROAR! gallery near the corner of Vivian and Victoria Streets on the opening night 5.30 – 7pm Thursday 24 March to meet the artists and their work.
All welcome.
gallery is dedicated to the sale and promotion of
Outsider Art. We exhibit art produced on the margins of
society and motivated by personal concerns and histories
rather than work that operates within established