Robin Kewell Film Night
Robin Kewell Film Night 20 November
Beastly Christmas (30 mins)
Wind (12 mins)
Robin Kewell will be presenting two films he has saved for this last film evening in the current series. The making of these two films stand out on all levels, endurance, rule breaking, chaos and the stories from behind the camera are as mad as the films themselves, both films went on to win several awards.
Beastly Christmas is a film set on a farm where, stallions are harnessed to plough and horses have English classes. Two professional ballet dancers have been invited to take part in a Christmas version of Midsummer Night's Dream with a supporting cast of dogs, horses, llamas, cows, a prize bull and two stallions... all this whilst the farm owner is building a new mud-brick house.
Wind - when the light goes out on a lighthouse the local constabulary, a male voice choir and a group of campanologists all go to the rescue of a ship. This short film stars comedian Stephen Frost with Kerri Jessiman as the lighthouse keepers wife and singer Ben Luxton. Wind
Venue Top Floor Lopdell House, 7.30pm
doors open at 7pm Entry $12 or $10 for
Friends of Lopdell House Gallery
phone 817 8087 x201 or call
into the gallery shop. Cash door sales available, sorry no