Become an Art Project Agent

SCAPE 2008 APAs assist artist Tea Mäkipää
Become an Art Project Agent
We are looking for volunteers with a background in Art History, Fine Art, Curatorial Studies, Design, Drama, Education, Events Management, Film, Journalism or Landscape Architecture, to assist behind the scenes and in the realisation of the rescheduled 6th SCAPE Christchurch Biennial of Art in Public Space.
Running from 4 March to 17 April 2011 the 6th SCAPE programme will include large-scale site-specific public artworks and interventions by New Zealand and international artists – geographically centered along a public art walkway within the inner city.
APAs will work directly with the SCAPE team and artists, gaining an insight into large-scale art events and contemporary art practice. APAs will gain a firsthand knowledge and experience of the SCAPE artist’s work, production and presentation.Tasks and workload will vary according to the selected artist project with the most concentrated working period from mid-February to mid-March 2011.
All Art Project Agents should be based in Christchurch and be able to share their local knowledge of the Christchurch environment.
For more information and how to apply visit our Art Project Agents page.
Presented by:
Art & Industry Biennial Trust. With support
from: Major Sponsors: Australia Council for the
Arts, BECA,
Christchurch City Council & Be There,
Creative New Zealand, Hawkins Construction, The Lion
Foundation, Leighs Construction.
Sponsors: Anderson Lloyd, The Arts
Centre, Asia NZ, Blueprint, Boffa Miskell, Canterbury
Community Trust, Carter Group, Chambers PR
CPIT, CPIT Foundation, Ernst & Young, Fletcher Construction,
Goethe-Institut Wellington, Grant Thornton, Heritage
Management Services,
Holiday Inn, John Jones Steel,
Mainland Foundation, Melray Electric Limited, Mondriaan
Foundation, New Zealand Guardian Trust
as Trustees of
Cranleigh Harper Barton Cultural Trust, New Zealand Steel,
N-Steel, Pegasus Engineering, Perpetual Trust, Portabuild
Limited, Pub Charity,
The Shannon Company, Shipleys
Audiovisual, Signtech, Solid Energy, Southern Trust,
Sustainable Initiative Fund Trust (SIFT), Vbase, Warren &
Mahoney, Wrightmann Collection.
Sponsors: Adam Art Gallery, Alice in Videoland,
Aotea Electric Canterbury Ltd, ARTSPACE (NZ), Artspace
Sydney, Carter Holt Harvey
Packaging, Christchurch Art
Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu, Elam School of Fine Arts,
National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries, The
University of
Auckland, Fahey Fence Hire, Hallensteins,
Historic Places Trust, Lyttelton Port of Christchurch,
MAINZ, Museum of New Zealand - Te Papa Tongarewa, Ngai
Tahu Property, OLT Properties, The Physics Room,
Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti, VFL Finance Ltd, Wilson Parking,
Website Results.
SCAPE Patrons Circle Members:
Errol & Jennifer Clark, Rob Gardiner, Sue Gardiner,
Dame Jennifer Gibbs, Dayle & Chris
Mace, Adrienne, Lady
Stewart, Sir Miles Warren.