‘A New Zealand Holiday’
For Immediate release:
‘A New Zealand Holiday’
An exhibition of art works delving into the history of Tourism in New Zealand:
As spring warms up and begins to make way for the long summer days, romantic and awe inspiring cruise ships start carefully making their way through the narrow passage that is the entrance to our beautiful harbour.
Wellington artist Sandy Rodgers finds herself driving through the city with van-loads of tourists, domestic and international, explaining and entertaining as she goes. Rodgers has worked for Rover Tour Company for over a year now and has spent her time thinking about what it is that inspires people from all over the globe to come and visit our fair shores.
Having had 5 years of travel experience herself, visiting places such as Paris, Munich, London, New York, Rio de Janero, Lima, Mexico, Bangkok, Easter Island and many more, Rodgers has some understanding of what it is that drives people to venture to far off places. Among other things, travel offers the chance to experience something new, mysterious, exciting or beautiful that has been seen on post cards, at the movies or read about in books.
In this exhibition Rodgers explores the places in New Zealand that tourists want to see and the methods of transport they use.
Rodgers’ previous works have detailed the history of the very first tourists or ‘settlers’ in Aotearoa, from the arrival of the Maori through to the re-discovering by Cook and the eventual settling by the British. This time Rodgers has journeyed forward in time to the early and mid 1900’s and her work portrays imagery which alludes to the elegant art deco period which has certainly made its mark throughout New Zealand.
For further information contact sandy@sandyrodgers.co.nz or 021811807
All images included have been sized down for email friendly purposes. Please feel free to contact me for larger images (up to 5MB) I have images of two artworks and also plenty more fun photos of ‘tour guide Sandy’ at different tour spots throughout the city!
Exhibition information:
20 November – 23 December 2010
111 Taranaki