UK comedian hospitalised with ironic illness
DIane Spencer (UK) is hospitalised with suspected throat absess during the Melbourne run of “Lost in the Mouth Specific”
She will be performing as part of the 2010 NZ International Comedy Festival
UK comedian
Diane Spencer was making her debut appearance at the
Melbourne International Comedy Festival when she had to
cancel 3 shows because she was hospitalised with suspected
throat absess, which meant she lost her voice.
Quinsy, a throat absess that grows behind the tonsils, usually fills with pus and can be fatal if the pus is not drained, the absess explodes and the patient inhales the toxic pus. Diane’s throat problem caused a severe swelling round her neck, problems with swallowing and speaking.
Diane was treated at accident and emergency at the Royal Melbourne Hospital on Easter Monday and asked to return Tuesday morning. Her condition had worsened by then, her breathing was affected and she was hospitalised over night in the short stay ward and put on a course of steroids and antibiotics.
In order to determine the seriousness of the suspected quinsy, Diane’s throat was cut open on the inside by one of the medical team and he probed the inside of the back of her throat. This was an painful but short procedure. No pus was found and Diane’s illness was put down to a severe case of tonsilitis.
In order to thank the kind staff who looked after Diane during her stay, she has given free tickets to the staff of the Royal Melbourne Hospital for two nights of the remaining run of her Melbourne leg.
Diane commented: “Some comedians die when they perform... I came to Melbourne and had my throat cut! I’m going to Sydney next, and their logo is “painfully funny”. One is terrified.”
UK comedian Diane Spencer appears in her brilliant second solo show at the New Zealand International Comedy Festival “Lost in the Mouth Specific” at the Comedy Underground on Wellesley Street West. Kindly sponsored by frank ginger beer.
Venue: Comedy Underground, 1 Wellesley Street West, Auckland
Dates: Sat 24 April, Tues 27 April – Sat 1 May
Time: 7pm
Tickets: Adult $23, conc $19
Bookings: Ticketek (0800 842 5385)