
Published: Fri 5 Feb 2010 04:00 PM
Lab Reseach Theatre Company Presents
Directed By Pedro Ilgenfritz
4-6 March, 8.00pm
Gryphon Theatre, 22 Ghuznee St
Door Sales $14
Alfonsina is the underdog, a heroine clown who simply cannot avoid trouble!
Alfonsina is a comic depiction of the adventures and misfortunes of a young Argentinean cleaner facing the social, economic and cultural challenges of migrating to Auckland in search of a new life.
Escaping the harsh suburbs of Buenos Aires (Argentina) straight to downtown Auckland, Alfonsina manages to find a job cleaning offices. She quickly meets another cleaner, her neighbour Hera. Hera introduces Alfonsina to Tracy, a former cleaner who is now the boss of the cleaning company she works for and who is torn between her point of view as an employer and her compassionate support of her employees.
LAB: Research Theatre Company is a permanent acting laboratory engaged in the research of actors’ training and the creation of theatre shows. Alfonsina is the first performance outcome of our research.
We are influenced by the works of the theatre masters Stanislavski, Meyerhold, Copeau, Brecht, Grotowski, Mnouchkine and others who managed to develop their work and theories because they had a permanent group of actors that worked together uninterrupted for a long period. They were engaged in rigorous theatre research intended to break through new areas of theatre practice, challenging paradigms and investigate the essence of drama; they worked continuously on rediscovering the basic laws that govern life on stage and became famous not only because of the quality and originality of their productions, but also because of their contribution to the systematic approach of theatre making.
Likewise, our ambition is to become a reference point in this approach to theatre - a company that produces quality drama and a centre of theatre investigation. Both areas are developed simultaneously by continuity of research, creating shows, exchanging experiences with other theatre companies, directors and scholars through festivals, conferences.
The dialogue between both communities (New Zealand and South American) in the field of arts is growing substantially in the last years.
This project will explore the connections between both cultures and discuss the impact of immigration by South Americans to New Zealand, and facilitate exchange between both cultures in terms of arts and academic practice. Alfonsina started a dialogue with the audience by discussing the question of social, economic and cultural dislocation using the story of an Argentinean immigrant to New Zealand as a focal point.
The sense of cultural dislocation is an experience that affects a large part of the population in this country with South Americans being one of the newest ethnic groups that compose the fabric of the New Zealand immigrant population.

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