Premiere Season Of Buffoon's Birthday
Liminal Theatre Ltd Proudly Presents The World Premiere Season Of BUFFOON’S BIRTHDAY, In Association With BATS Theatre And The Wellington Fringe Festival 2010.

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A new piece of physical theatre devised from an original script, BUFFOON’S BIRTHDAY is a 50 minute dark comedy, telling the story of the buffoons Bones, Meat, Guts, Skin, Blood and a Herald as they celebrate a birthday in their own skewed and twisted way. Says writer-director Damien McGrath, “We are using mask, ensemble and vocal work to create these bizarre characters and the world they inhabit.”
BUFFOON’S BIRTHDAY has been a something of a passion project for McGrath. “I was inspired by the classical buffoons of the medieval era, a dark court jester with a mischievous streak.” The "rst draft was completed in late 2005, then gestated until the formation of Liminal Theatre afforded the opportunity to produce it.
The production has a six person cast, made up of professional and experienced actors, improvisors and dancers. Together with McGrath and assistant directors Andrew Todd and Alice Canton, they have worked intensively on creating a vibrant production from the script. One of two shows from Christchurch in the Wellington Fringe Festival,
BUFFOON’S BIRTHDAY is a quirky, funny, deranged vision of a birthday turned upside down.
Buffoon's Birthday @ The Wellington Fringe
Festival BATS Theatre 6:30pm, Friday 19th to
Monday 22nd February Tickets: $16 / $13 concession /
$13 Fringe Addict cardholders Bookings: phone 802
4175 /