Canterbury Artist To Show Nudes At City Studio

Published: Mon 1 Feb 2010 12:19 PM
Talented Canterbury Artist To Show Nudes At Inner City Studio Exhibition
A highly talented mature artist who was shot at and stoned by Turks, man-handled by Algerians, beaten up on a Turkish train and was a television show panellist with Selwyn Toogood will stage her first major exhibition in Christchurch later this month.
Tui McBeath, manager of Workbridge in Christchurch, will show a series of her nude paintings at the Kate Ross Studio in the inner city area on February 22.
McBeath, who has turned 62, started painting almost five years ago. She found nudes a diversion from the concentrated detail focus that was required of her portrait painting.
`I thought nudes would be about big brush strokes and freedom from tiny brushes. It isn’t true; the tiny brushes are still used! I choose to paint nude women because they have such wonderful curves and whether it be their legs, their bottom or their breasts, the play of light on curves is exciting.
``I have grown up in a society that undervalued women; I was a staunch feminist for quite a while. I believe women have now found their place in society and women are more accepted in all of their varied guises.
``I got into art when I was engaged in some coaching at work; my “fear” of giving up full time work when I reached the age of 65 involved thoughts of emptiness and boredom. I’ve worked all my life. The coach set me a project which would stretch me out of my comfort zone.’’
McBeath promised she would learn to paint and have an exhibition of her art. That was almost five years ago. She learned her first steps at a city studio, Passion for Painting, and then moved to tuition with Kate Ross at her Kate Ross Art Studio. Kate taught her to paint in thin layers to give texture, depth and warmth.
``I wasn’t taught at school but in my early teens I used to draw faces in shaded pencil, following in my father’s footsteps. In my later teens I painted in acrylics on hardboard whilst in a hippy phase.
``Kate has been my inspiration and mentor; her teaching style has nurtured my budding talent and has made me stronger and more confident. I had four oil paintings in the Soeur Design Christmas exhibition last year but this is my first major show.
McBeath studied physical education in Denmark and French in Paris and travelled widely to unusual places like Iran, Libya, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
``I have worked in such a variety of jobs over my life with my current job being the most satisfying where I am manager of Workbridge which helps people with disabilities into paid employment.’’
McBeath aims to continue painting nudes and will expand into areas that will keep her excited.

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