Practical Tips for Reducing Christmas Stress
Media Statement – for immediate release 16 December 2009
Practical Tips for Reducing Christmas
Spread the celebrations out; remember that Christmas is a season, not just one day. That’s one of the suggestions from Relationship Services to reduce the stresses of Christmas.
“Christmas is a time of celebration, a time to appreciate one another. Yet we know it is also a time when relationships can be put under enormous strain,” said Jeff Sanders, Relationship Services Chief Executive.
“People get tired and often drink more. We might end up spending time with people we generally try to avoid. Sometimes we say or do something we wouldn’t normally.”
“People we work with tell us how hard it can be to manage competing expectations from partners, friends and family at this time of year.”
“There are simple things we can all do to make Christmas easier and more enjoyable. Relationship Services has come up with ten simple tips to help you stop and think about how you are relating to others, and give you practical tools for changing situations you don’t like,” said Mr Sanders.
Christmas Tips from Relationship
1. Make time to relax with those you
2. Christmas is a season, not just one day. Spread
the celebrations out.
3. Ask for help. Offer help. Share
the load
4. Try and put longstanding disagreements aside
for the day and enjoy yourselves.
5. If things do get
tense, take a deep breath, change the subject or walk
6. Steer clear of disagreements when you
7. Use a little self-control so you don't say or
do something hurtful.
8. Make it fun for the kids, and it
will be easier for you.
9. Lighten the financial pressure
on your relationship. Set a dollar limit for gifts and
10. Take time out as well as time off, allow some
time just for you.
For more ideas and tips, go to