Christmas Party featuring The Verlaines

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The Verlaines.
With special guests Edmund Cake with Geva Downey (Haunted Love) and Force Fields
There is a certain cache among international artists for Flying Nun bands. In the 90s you had bands like Pavement name checking the Clean, even Kurt Cobain was a fan of Flying Nun. Lately it’s been the likes of No Age and Jay Reatard. Sub Pop keep signing New Zealand bands. Do you ever wonder why Flying Nun vinyl goes for such ridiculous prices on trade me and ebay?
Want to find out why?
Well all right then, listen in.
The VBC and San Francisco Bath House are proud to announce The Verlaines, live in Wellington at SFBH on December 9th. Having just released a new album ‘Corporate Moronic’ this year, we are lucky to be witness to one of the great Flying Nun bands, who haven’t played here since forever! Ages!
Formed in Dunedin in 1981, by Graeme Downes, whilst studying at Otago University, I don’t even know if a mention of their past achievements needs to be repeated, but here goes… Their back catalogue reads like a very important musical and social document. The Dunedin Double E.P., Hallelujah All The Way Home, Birddog, Juvenilia, Way Out Where and Over the Moon. Songs like Death and the Maiden, Doomsday and Pyromaniac! Whoa! If one wanted to quantify what it is that some folks describe as the Dunedin sound then they should look no further than The Verlaines. The song writing of Graeme Downes, over achiever and current lecturer in the School of Music at Otago University (where he has been steadily churning out musicians via his rock degree programme) is both dynamic and dramatic, all perfectly crafted.
Support is from the exceptionally talented Edmund Cake of Bressa Creting Cake and Pie Warmer fame, playing with Geva Downey of Haunted Love. Mr Cake will be performing a mix of solo work from across his many recordings. And new kids Force Fields - a noisy little pop band from Wellington who have just finished recording their debut album which they will be releasing at the end of the year.
And it's the VBC Christmas Party! A better Christmas present you could not ask for.
As a further celebration and impetuous to get your self down to San Francisco Bath House there is a special exhibition of VBC poster artist and designer extraordinaire Colin Kaldenbach’s poster’s for the VBC Wednesday’s over the past year.
Merry Christmas Wellington!
Presales only $20, available now from Real Groovy, + the VBC offices.