Go Solo 2009
Media Release: Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School
Go Solo 2009
Go Solo 2009 presents the exciting future of Kiwi theatre with nineteen new New Zealand solo shows created and performed by third year actors from Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School.

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As usual this year’s Solos are hugely varied. We go from the sandy shores of Vanuatu, to the homeless hangouts of Wellington. Inspect a new human mating ritual and find out what really happens when we die.
We have 19 new works on offer, 5 groups to choose from and 35 chances to catch a showing. Every group promises a rich collision of individual perspectives and bold theatre making. Many solos that our graduating actors produce are starting points for festival touring shows. For example Jacob Rajan’s Krishnans’Dairy which toured NZ, UK, Australia and Singapore, Sarah Standring’s Don’t Feed the Models toured to the Edinburgh Festival and James Ashcroft’s Sorry I'm Out, But I Can Be Booked proved a hit in the Fringe Festival. Every year a selection of these solos go on to the Wellington Fringe Festival and are aired on Radio New Zealand.
Go Solo 2009 is directed by 2007 Toi Whakaari acting graduate Sophie Roberts (Blood Wedding, Wolf’s Lair, Angels in America and Streetcar Named Desire) and Toi Whakaari’s Senior Voice Tutor, D’Arcy Smith.
Go Solo 2009
Dates: Mon 20 Jul – Sat 1
Times: 6.30pm & 8.30pm
12.30pm/230pm/4.30pm shows Saturday
shows on 23, 24, 29, 30 & 31 July | see
www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz for full details
Where: Te Whaea:
National Dance & Drama Centre, 11 Hutchison Road, Newtown,
Tickets: $10/ $5
www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz or 04 381