Barry Keen a loyal IHC volunteer and supporter
For immediate release
8 April 2009
Barry Keen a loyal IHC volunteer and supporter
Dedicated - Barry Keen
IHC is devastated to hear of the death of one of its longest-serving and most loyal supporters.
Barry Keen had been involved with IHC for many years and played an invaluable role in fundraising and local branch activities, says IHC President Donald Thompson.
For 20 years Barry was the volunteer area convenor for the IHC Calf Scheme and he managed and coordinated a very successful team of canvassers.
In September 2006 IHC President Donald Thompson presented Barry and Rose with the 'Calf Scheme Award" for outstanding voluntary contribution to the PGG Wrightson IHC Calf Scheme.
“Barry never claimed the praise or limelight for himself,” says Mr Thompson. “Barry always emphasised that the support from his team was what made the annual results possible and he always ensured that farmers were recognised for their generous support.”
Barry was also the President of the IHC Ashburton branch committee for many years from 1992 until recently, and Chairperson of Community Properties Ashburton.
“Both Barry and Rose made a major contribution to IHC and made a significant difference to the lives of people living with intellectual disability. He was a tireless volunteer for IHC. We send our sincere and heart-felt condolences to Rose and the family,” says Mr Thompson.