Lantern Spectacular attracts a record crowd
Lantern Spectacular attracts a record
night's Community Trust Lantern Spectacular set the Summer
in Nelson programme off to a flying start with a crowd
estimated at 4,000 about a thousand more than
Organiser Kim Merry said the stable weather helped and he said working in with the Suter's Maui Dynasty exhibition worked really well, with hundreds of families making their own masks.
Merry said he thinks people are embracing the Nelson City Council events more.
"It could be that people appreciate a free family activity as times get tougher and it also seems that newcomers to Nelson really value the sense of community we have here."
Summer in Nelson
continues with street entertainment, outdoor movies, the
teddy bears' picnic and two major ticketed events, Sealord
Opera in the Park on January 24, and Circus Oz later in
Programme booklets are available at council offices, libraries and visitor centres throughout the region, and the information is on the website at