Deck The Walls: Art for $200 or less
Deck The Walls: Art for $200 or less
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Weekends - Sq - Fleur Williams
DECK THE WALLS 7 - 20 December
Solander's Christmas show opens on SUNDAY 7 December from 1 to 3pm - please join us for festivities.
Featuring Art for $200 or less! Cash and carry exhibition so be in early.
This will be the last artbash in the burbs before Solander moves to central Wellington in the new year!
WHAT: Exhibition Opening of "Deck the Walls" Art for $200 or less.
WHERE: Solander: works on paper, 95 Tirangi Rd (Ground Floor Vincent Aviation Bld), Lyall Bay, Wellington
WHEN: Exhibition opens Sunday 7 December from 1 - 3pm. Exhibition runs until 20 December. Special gallery hours; Tuesday to Saturday 10 am to 5pm until 20 December & Sunday's 11am to 3pm.