Cohen Holloway’s Hypnotastic Tour 2008
Out of Bounds presents
Holloway’s Hypnotastic Tour

Written by Dean Hewison
and Ben Powdrell
Directed by Dean
The CLASSIC Basement (formerly
24 – 26th April 2008, 10pm
Book at Ticketek
– 0800 TICKET,
29th April – 3rd May 2008,
6:30pm or (04) 802 4175
Be Careful Who You Let In Your Mind!
You’re standing in the spotlight as he counts down from 5. Then he clicks his fingers: “And sleep!” Suddenly your mind is flooded with creatures, robots, Lindsay Lohan, sexual fantasies - and its all ammunition for the creepy hypnotist in the cheap suit.
And the audience can see it all.
Cohen Holloway’s Hypnotastic Tour 2008 is a hilarious explosion of pop-culture and puppetry. Cohen has mastered the art of presenting the subconscious onstage, revealing our fantasies and perversions in all their puppet glory. But when it becomes clear that Jareth the Goblin King is enslaving Cohen’s volunteers, Cohen must hypnotise himself to finally finish the battle that began many years ago, when he was just a child.
Marvel as Cohen, his audience plants, and the Hypnotastic Dance Troupe fight for all our minds, live on stage in a new show from OUT OF BOUNDS – the award-winning company that brought you FootBallistic and Brain Power.
Cohen is a Billy T nominee, best known for his awesome John Campbell impersonations on Facelift, and for playing the best friend with a porn issue in Eagle Vs Shark. Joining Cohen is a dream team of Wellington actors, including Rowan Bettjeman (The Glass Menagerie), Jessica Manins (Fitz Bunny), Yvette Reid (Insiders Guide to Love), Simon Smith (Sensible Susan & the Queen’s Merkin), Richard Falkner (Brain Power) and Dean Hewison (FootBallistic).
Cohen Holloway’s Hypnotastic Tour 2008 is unlike anything you’ve ever seen on stage before.
Warning: Getting your mind blown may leave a stain.