Destroying Buildings in Hamilton
Destroying Buildings in Hamilton
Artbruit Building Destruction Project
Exhibition runs from November 16 – December 15, 2007 Performance: December 15, 7.30pm December 15, 2007, at Ariki Gallery, Hamilton, NZ, The Artbruit Building Destruction Project is initiated with a once-only destruction action at Hamilton’s new contemporary art space, Ariki Gallery.
Kaleb Bennett and ‘gde’ undertake the first in a series of actions that will culminate in the destruction of a multi-story building. Direct physical action will alter the properties of a cubic metre of solid material and reveal layers of audio concealed therein. The event will be recorded, and a multi-angle DVD document will be produced following the event. Identity protection devices will be available for those wishing to remain anonymous.
The gallery space will be open from 10am to 6pm during the weeks prior to the event. Visitors are invited to view the gallery as it progresses through the stages of construction site, audio production facility, and publishing office. Surveillance of the project space will be viewable online from November 16 linked from
A printed document will be released December 15 that outlines the project in its entirety. This publication will be provided on entry to the performance.
Tickets to the performance are $15, including publication. Numbers are strictly limited, prepurchase of tickets is recommended. This is a once-only performance that marks the beginning of an important long term project involving two of New Zealand’s most prominent audio-action practitioners.
Tickets are available from Auteur House, 555 Victoria Street (next to Ariki Gallery). Hours are 10am-10pm, 7 days.