Volcanoes are awesome!
Volcanoes are awesome!
Feb 19-22nd 2007, 7pm
Cross Restaurant & Bar
Corner Cuba and Abel smith
Tickets: Adult $14 - Student $12 - Fringe Card
Holder $10
Publicity contact: Joel Cosgrove: 027 600 9282 Email: joel.cosgrove@vuwsa.org.nz
-What pisses off the Cat God
(Sugarpaws) so much that it causes an eruption?
-Why the
hell is putting your legs over your head the safest form of
protection from an eruption?
-What attributes make the
best sacrifice victim?
-Could you be next?
Come along
and learn about the majestic yet frightening volcano!
Volcanoes are Awesome! will look at how they really work and
the likelihood of a New Zealand volcano blowing it’s top
i.e. the likelihood of impending doom.
The show looks to
explain how to survive a volcano as well as investigate the
racist and controversial volcanic history of NZ.
Sit back and take part in an aural/visual volcano inspired New Zealand journey, with music and dancing from local Wellington acts Disasteradio and Cortina as well as educational AV displays including flash animations from local artists.
Researched and written in leaps and bounds since midway through last year, Volcanoes are Awesome! is the work of a number of young, talented writers centred around artist Heleyni Pratley. The cast has a strong connection with local improv groups, allowing a level of spontaneity and excitement guaranteed to educate as well as entertain.
Heleyni describes one of the reasons for putting on Volcanoes are Awesome! as a very personal one.
“I’ve always been fascinated by volcanoes. At first I was afraid, but then I realised that I had to confront that fear through contemporary dance and theatre!”
Having faced her own fears surrounding volcanoes Heleyni feels that others can find strength by coming along to the show.
“There’s no reason to be afraid anymore, we’re here to help.”