National Lamb Day
National Lamb Day
Many kiwis will be tucking into a big hunk of sheep for their evening meal as today is National Lamb Day. Today marks 125 years since the first frozen meat shipment left New Zealand bound for the United Kingdom. The Meat and Wool Board of New Zealand has encouraged many hundreds of people, including The Queen, to eat lamb today to celebrate this well known anniversary.
Members of Parliament have been invited to a barbecue at Parliament where Bellamy's Executive Chef, will create a barbeque lamb recipe in honour of the 125th celebrations.
Former All Black Caption Sean Fitzpatrick is planning New Zealand lamb for the family's dinner in the United Kingdom.
Ashburton Hospital patients will be served lamb tonight and so too will the guests who visit Air New Zealand's Koru Lounge in Christchurch.
New Zealand embassies around the world have been encouraged to include New Zealand lamb on the menu for any functions they have around this time.
The Intercontinental Hotel in Wellington has made lamb the feature of a seven course dinner today.
Little do all these people know, that on March 29, sheep will have their revenge...