NZ Gardener celebrates the start of spring
28 August 2006
NZ Gardener celebrates the start of spring
NZ Gardener is celebrating the first signs of spring with fresh ideas to encourage Kiwi gardeners to get back out in their gardens after an unusually cold winter.
“September marks the official start of the new gardening season and it’s always heartening to see the first daffodils and spring blossoms appear,” says NZ Gardener editor Lynda Hallinan.
“If you want to get your garden in shape for summer, now’s the time to get stuck in. It’s the perfect time to plant maple trees, sow heirloom vegetable seeds and bring potted bulbs indoors for instant cheer.”
To set your garden on the right track for spring the latest issue of NZ Gardener also features practical advice for keeping climbers under control, a checklist of essential chores and handy tips for organic soil health.
The South Island Garden of the Month is Briar Dell, a stunning lavender farm in Cromwell, Central Otago, that has recently been judged a Garden of National Significance by the New Zealand Gardens Trust. In stark contrast is the North Island Garden of the Month in New Plymouth – a low-maintenance and sophisticated country garden designed with mathematical precision.
NZ Gardener also visits Northland’s Koanga Gardens, where the owner, Kay Baxter, cares for New Zealand’s largest collection of heritage veges, flowers and fruit, and food editor Alessandra Zecchini has delicious salad recipes that will actually make you want to eat your greens!
The spring-themed September issue of NZ Gardener is on sale from Monday 28 August and retails for $6.50.