Why is History So Hot?
Media release
For immediate use
7 November 2005
Why is History So Hot?
The past few years have seen a rise in the publication of general New Zealand histories. Are we just navel-gazing or do we need more history?
A New Zealand Book Council panel event on 23 November will investigate the recent flourish in publication of general New Zealand histories. Discussing this issue will be media commentator Russell Brown, prominent historian Ranginui Walker, the general editors of the new illustrative history Frontier of Dreams, Bronwyn Dalley and Gavin McLean, and publishers Geoff Walker and Peter Dowling.
This event is part of a series of history events that the New Zealand Book Council is running to tie in with the release of the new illustrative history and TVONE documentary series, Frontier of Dreams: the Story of New Zealand.
Why is history so hot? will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, at 6pm on Wednesday 23 November.
Ticket prices are Book Council Members $13, Students/unwaged $15, Non-members $18. Ticket price includes a glass of wine.
For more information on event dates visit www.bookcouncil.org.nz
The New Zealand Book Council is a non-profit organisation that presents a range of programmes promoting a love of reading and writing.