Snowborders Support Make Poverty History Campaign
Premier Snowboarding Event Supports Make Poverty History Campaign
The Burton New Zealand Open has announced its support of World Vision’s ‘Make Poverty History’ campaign by inviting the charity to take part in the high profile sporting event at Cardrona Alpine Resort on 11-14 August.
“World Vision are very pleased to be involved with the 2005 Burton New Zealand Open,” said territory manager, Don Lord. “The world has become very aware of the need for action in the face of the extreme poverty in Africa. The recent Make Poverty History campaign, the Long Walk To Justice, and the Live8 concerts involved millions of people around the world and created a global awareness of the issues. World Vision will be at the Burton New Zealand Open to receive donations for children trapped by poverty in Africa. This money will be used to help those who have the added burden of living with HIV/AIDS.”
All funds raised at the Burton New Zealand Open will go to assist the most vulnerable children in the Nankumba project in Malawi. This money will be used to provide counselling, palliative care, medical help and provide centres for the children to read, play sport and learn life skills.
The Burton New Zealand Open is the Southern Hemisphere’s premier snowboarding competition attracting the world’s top riders including world number one, Keir Dillon and Olympic gold medallist Ross Powers, both from the USA, as well as New Zealand’s top riders. Huge numbers of spectators are expected line the half pipe and slopestyle course to witness a level of competition never before seen in New Zealand.
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