Maintaining Iwi Radio Network Vital
1 April 2005
Media Statement
Te Mângai
Maintaining Iwi Radio Network Vital
Chair of Te Mângai Paho, Wira Gardiner, said today that maintaining the iwi radio stations network was a vital part of the Mâori language strategy and provided a number of economic and Mâori development opportunities that warranted continued government funding support.
“NZPA’s 31 March report has created the false impression that I am an advocate for a single national radio station to promote Mâori language. I am not. I believe that the iwi radio network is an excellent resource for Maori and New Zealand and that it should be retained.
“I also consider that iwi radio requires additional resources and that if further funding was not made available to Te Mângai Paho for this purpose then politicians would need to decide on how best to deliver its Mâori radio broadcasting outcomes from existing resources.
“I remain optimistic that iwi radio will receive the additional financial support they require to continue delivering on its broadcasting outcomes,” said Mr Gardiner.