Michael King Writers' Trust gets lease
Michael King Writers' Trust gets lease
March , 2005
The Michael King Writers' Studio Trust's dream of creating the first literary centre in North Shore City came a step closer this week.
North Shore City Council has granted the trust a 10-year lease over the old 'signalman's house' on Mt Victoria.
Community services and parks committee chairperson, Margaret Miles, is pleased the proposal is moving forward.
"We have such a rich literary history in our city that it would be wonderful to see the signalman's house used as a centre for writers and residential fellows."
The historic house would also be used for workshops, mentoring sessions, exhibitions and literary events, and a national museum would be developed in time.
Public notification of the Michael King Writers' Studio Trust's intention to take over the lease drew 23 submissions, 22 of which supported the proposal.
While the council has agreed to a 10-year lease over the building, Department of Conservation approval is now needed to reclassify the site from recreation reserve to local purpose, or community use.