Early Xmas Present For The Artists Of Wellington
Early Xmas present for the artists of Wellington
ARMS and WACT are holding a series of FREE workshops about the arts and business from next Monday, November 24 through to Friday 12 December.
Artists and those involved in the arts industry will be able to learn how to build an audience and increase income through simple business practices. The sessions are focused on practical knowledge and tools to boost careers, presented in a fun environment by people who know both sides of the arts/business fence.
ARMS is an organisation founded to raise the level of arts enterprise in New Zealand by bringing business smarts to artists and showing them ways to make cash flow for their passion.
WACT (Wellington Artists' Charitable Trust) was formed to foster the development of the freelance artistic talent that makes Wellington the Creative Capital. WACT provides production and infrastructure support through its purpose-built rehearsal room, production and office facilities in its Cable Street Studio.
All workshops are FREE but are limited to 20 people per session and will be held from 12pm to 4pm at the rehearsal rooms of WACT on the first floor of 44 Cable Street (above Tory European, opposite Te Papa), phone 385 0192.
The schedule of the workshops is as
Monday 24 November: Writing
novelists, short story writers, poets, self-publishers
and associated industry)
Tuesday 25 November:
Performing Arts
(actors, dancers, comedians, soloists,
musicians, directors,
producers and associated
Wednesday 26 November: Visual Arts
sculptors, crafts, galleries and associated
Thursday 27 November: Music
players, producers, promoters, managers and
Tuesday 2 December: Visual
(painters, sculptors, crafts, galleries and
associated industry)
Wednesday 3 December:
(songwriters, players, producers, promoters,
managers and associated
Thursday 4 December:
(playwrights, novelists, short story writers,
poets, self-publishers
and associated industry)
5 December: Performing Arts
(actors, dancers, comedians,
soloists, musicians, directors,
producers and associated
Tuesday 9 December: Music
players, producers, promoters, managers and
Wednesday 10 December: Performing
(actors, dancers, comedians, soloists, musicians,
producers and associated industry)
11 December: Visual Arts
(painters, sculptors, crafts,
galleries and associated industry)
Friday 12 December:
(playwrights, novelists, short story writers,
poets, and associated
All sessions are
interactive using participant experiences, case studies and
audience participation. The content of each session is
targeted at a particular art form as shown in the headings
above. However, the core essence of the workshops applies
to all arts disciplines.
The workshops focus on artists as the primary generators of income, but also cover the associated infrastructure of the art forms. All workshops are designed for New Zealanders wanting to boost their income and develop long-term sustainable careers in the global arts industry.
If you have any queries about the above, or want more information, please email workshops@arms.org.nz or phone Mark on 021 2200 400.
And check out http://www.arms.org.nz