Noise Control problems - we need your help
Noise Control problems - we need your help
Hi there
Noise control continues to be an enormous issue for the Temple as well as other live venues around the country and we need your help. Auckland City Council have backed us into a corner which means we need to go to the Environment Court.
One of the most recent issues, which still has me gobsmacked is the refusal of Auckland City Council to let me bring my lawyer to a meeting to discuss the issues.....more info at
So: Make your opinion known (info below) AND Do you have specialist knowledge on sound, acoustics or law?
Public opinion is one of our biggest and most powerful weapons in this battle. Don't forget, if you're a resident of Auckland City, you are paying the wages of these people, who are supposedly there to look after our best interests, and they seem hell-bent on closing us down.
1/ Sign the noise control petition.
You can either do this online or at the Temple 2/
Get all your friends to sign it as well. 3/ We can mail you hard copy petition forms so you can get your friends to sign it. 4/
Write to the following people. No need to write separate letters, the same one will be fine. To download a letter go to
(feel free to change it) or for key issues to write your own letter visit
John Banks, Auckland City Council, PO Box 92-516, Wellesley Street
Helen Clark, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. (no need for a stamp)
Judith Tizard, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. (no need for a stamp) (Associate Minister for the Arts)
Marian Hobbs, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. (no need for a stamp) (Minister for the Environment)
Chris Carter, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. (no need for a stamp) (Minister Local Government)
We are also in need of specialist information on Acoustic Engineering and noise measurements, the Resource Management Act and the Environment Court.
If you are someone that has knowledge of these areas, or know someone, and you'd prepared to help, please drop us a line.