The Life Of Hone Heke Showcased At Te Papa
A new display within Te Papa's Treaty of Waitangi exhibition explores the life and motivations of Hone Heke, the famous 19th Century Mäori chief. Opening at Te Papa on 28 February, Conflict and reconciliation | Hone Heke Pokai features rarely seen taonga (treasures) to illustrate the story of this notable leader and his people.
For many New Zealanders today, Hone Heke is a protest figure noted for chopping down British flagpoles. There is a larger story behind that legend. Hone Heke Pokai was one of several northern chiefs who argued persuasively - and decisively - in favour of signing the British Government's treaty with Mäori people.
He had a vision of the trade in goods, skills, and ideas that would flow from this agreement - but he was clear that Mäori should accept such things on their own terms. However, the reality of British rule was different. Heke became an outspoken critic of the government's dealings with Mäori, and then an armed opponent.
Through the taonga on display, many of them still in the care of Heke's people Te Matarahurahu Ngäpuhi Tüturu, you can glimpse the reality of Hone Heke Pokai, leader of his people and defender of their right to self-determination.
Conflict and reconciliation | Hone Heke Pokai opens in Signs of a Nation/Ngä Tohu Kotahitanga, Level 4, on Friday 28 February and runs until 31 July 2003. Admission is free.
Contact Vicki Connor Manager, Communications 04 381 7083, 029 601 0180
David Rankin Spokesperson for Te Matarahurahu Ngapuhi Tuturu 09 411 7525
Vicki Connor Manager, Communications Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa phone 04 381 7083 fax 04 381 7080 029 601 0180