1000 music industry contacts - now available
1000 music industry contacts - now available
Hi there
Over 1000 music industry contacts are now available in the brand new edition of The Index.
If you'd like your own copy of The Index simply email mailto:nathan@theindex.co.nz, include your postal address and they'll pop one in the mail. This directory comes highly recommended by the Temple, if you're serious about your musical career, or someone you know is, it's a real necessity.
Over 1000 core companies, artists and associates are listed in the most comprehensive directory of it's type in NZ. This includes over 130 Radio Stations, over 30 Record Companies, 80 Venues and hundreds of listings in over 80 other categories.... In this edition there are some fantastic additions which include: * 60 pages of additional content, giving you over 200 pages of essential information * Double the number of e-mail address' in the e-mail directory and the inclusion of mobile numbers * Venues, Production Companies and Media listed geographically for easier tour planning * Maps of the North and South Islands with distances and traveling times * Full breakdown of NZ ON Air Music Schemes and deadlines
If you'd like a copy simply email
mailto:nathan@theindex.co.nz, include your postal
address and they'll pop one in the mail along with an
invoice for $49.95 plus 90c P&P. (Payment Terms 7 days) The
Index will now be published twice a year with the next
edition due for NZ Music Month in May.