Time Lecture Series At Te Papa
Te Papa is hosting a free lecture series that looks at the concept of time in its many different forms. The five-week programme provides an insight into aspects of geological, biological, cultural, and astronomical time, as well as time travel!
Expert New Zealand speakers will present a mix of scientific, philosophical, and traditional Mäori perspectives. All lectures will take place from 6.30pm until 7.30pm in Soundings Theatre, Te Papa. Admission is free.
Lecture Programme
Thursday 2 August – Geological
Te Papa Kaihautü Te Taru White speaks about traditional Mäori knowledge and understanding of deep time. Dr Hamish Campbell, from the Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd, and a Te Papa geologist, explores the concept of geological time.
Thursday 9 August – Biological Time
Dr Stephen Goldson Science Leader, Biocontrol & Biosecurity Group, AgResearch Ltd presents insights into biological timekeeping and its measurement. These will include the nature and expression of the human internal clock, growth, and ageing. Tohunga Höhepa Kereopa of Tühoe describes his traditional Mäori understanding of life cycles, rhythms of change, and growth within the environment. He also explores the time aspects of physical and psychological wellbeing.
Thursday 16 August – Cultural Time
Dr Janet Davidson, Curator Pacific, Te Papa, discusses calendar-making in European and Pacific cultures, as well as the standardisation of time, and its effects on ‘culture’. Dr Taiarahia Black, Associate Professor, Massey University illustrates the advancement of tribal oral literature and history through traditional waiata and narrative. Dr Black also looks at expression through whakapapa, and its importance in traditional Mäori life.
Thursday 23 August – Time Travel
Dr Ken Perszyk, Programme Director, School of Humanities and Social Sciences Victoria University of Wellington, looks at the performance of time, mathematics, logic, and the imagination. He explores challenging theoretical perspectives, and the possibility of time travel.
Thursday 30 August – Astronomical Time
Pauline Harris, MSc Physics from the University of Canterbury presents a Mäori perspective of the sky, and its interconnections with the land and people – illustrating Mäori perceptions and measurement of cosmic time and infinity. John Hearnshaw, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Canterbury examines the astronomer’s concept of time, the age of various types of celestial objects, including the universe, and how those ages are determined.