'bewusst, einfach - new design from Germany'
19 October 2000
'bewusst, einfach - new design from Germany' opens at Te Papa
A highly acclaimed exhibition celebrating the fine line between high art and experimental new German design will open at Te Papa on Saturday, 4 November.
The exhibition, staged by Te Papa in association with IfA and the Goethe-Institut Wellington, explores new German design as an alternative product culture.
Featuring the work of sixty designers and design groups, and over seventy individual pieces, furniture and household accessories, the exhibition brings the latest directions in European design aesthetics to New Zealand. A New Zealand design component will also feature in the exhibition.
Te Papa's chief executive Cheryll Sotheran said the exhibition, which will run until 31January 2001, will appeal to everyone with a love of good design.
"This exhibition is both fun and challenging. The designers and design groups featured have made a conscious decision to emphasise simplicity in the selection of materials, methods of construction, and overall look.
"Several individual pieces turn expectations about function on their heads. For example, a supermarket trolley has been converted into a lounge chair, while spiral tubes from desk lamps are reinvented as the stems of champagne flutes.
"The designs are also environmentally conscious, using recycled materials and found objects. Preference has also been given to raw materials that are biodegradable and sustainable," said Cheryll Sotheran.
During the exhibition, Te Papa will also host an illustrated lecture by Simon Fraser, Professor of Industrial Design at Victoria University, in partnership with the University's Centre for Continuing Education.
Professor Fraser, who was previously the Assistant Design Director at Porsche Design in Austria, will explore the themes of the exhibition and provide insights into recent developments in German and European design.
The bewusst einfach exhibition has kindly been sponsored by RICOH.
Please Note: The exhibition was expected to open on 21 October but due to unavoidable shipping and transport delays, the new opening date is Saturday 4 November.
For further information: Vicki Connor Communications & Marketing Co-ordinator 04 381 7083 025 620 8321