Mākete REO - Te Reo Māori Only Market In Lyttelton
In a first for Ōtautahi, Mākete REO, a te reo Māori speaking market is being held in Lyttelton on Sunday March 16.
Organised by Te Rōpū Wāhine Māori Toko i te Ora ki Rāpaki, the Rāpaki branch of the Māori Women’s Welfare League, the market will be a safe space for all levels of te reo Māori speakers.
“Mākete REO will cater for visitors with no te reo skills through to competent speakers,” says Te Rōpū Wāhine Māori Toko i te Ora Rāpaki branch President Jo Petrie.
“The market will be a safe space for everyone - visitors will be given bands when they arrive indicating their reo proficiency, beginner, intermediate or advanced. Te reo speaking students from Te Pā o Rākaihautū will also be on-hand to support stall holders and visitors. A menu card of terms and phrases will also be provided to all stallholders and local shops.”
National Vice President and Rāpaki branch member Associate Professor Mere Skerrett, says “The aim of Mākete REO is to encourage and normalise te reo Māori being spoken in a variety of public spaces – often speaking te reo is limited to marae and educational spaces for learners, we want to help change that.”
“The mākete will feature Māori arts and crafts, including jewellery, carving, weaving as well as food stalls, mirimiri (massage), rongoā (traditional healing) and entertainment.”
“We have a talented community of Māori artists, craftspeople and musicians involved and we are also working with Project Lyttelton and encouraging local businesses to get involved. The market is being held at Albion Square on London Street and runs from 10am to 2.30pm.”
The league has also run wānanga for the stall holders to help them prepare for the mākete, including te reo lessons and creating helpful te reo signage.
It is hoped Mākete REO will be an annual event.
Mākete REO is supported by Rātā Foundation, Te Hapū of Ngāti Wheke and Christchurch City Council. In the event of extreme weather, it will be postponed to Sunday 30 March 2025.