Biomaterials: Industry Will Benefit From Scion Fibre Expertise
“News of recent paper mill closures and a log export slump may soon be replaced with more positive news logs and other forest resources”, says Rotorua-based forest technology specialist, John Stulen. Scion has some excellent work streams completely focused on high value export products from across forest and fibre sector”,
“Industry leaders from across the forestry supply chain are getting behind a new initiative to support new technologies and processes for extracting high value chemicals from logs and other forestry byproducts like ”, he added.
Local scientists at Scion are strongly represented in key biomaterial research focused on developing new sustainable products. For example a new effort – an international research programme, UPWEARS, aims to develop a sustainable e-textile (electrically-conductive textile) using cork, hemp, flax and paper byproducts, and develop ways to recycle and reuse textile waste. The overall aim is to contribute to a sustainable economy by unlocking the potential of bio-based and hybrid fabrics. Scion joined this in 2024.
Another is a key technology startup collaboration between Scion and the New Zealand Product Accelerator. This will see a new forestry biofactory built in Rotorua soon. The new facility will foster developments for making new bioproducts from forest resources to deliver much higher value export products.
“We are delighted to announce a new technology event; the 2025 Forest Bioeconomy Innovations Conference“To celebrate this startup”, says Stulen, “It runs on 20-21 May, 2025 in Rotorua.
“We are bringing international startup leaders together from forest and wood technology innovators. Across Europe their teams are set to supercharge new processes to complement and eventually replace pulp and paper mills to a large degree,” says Stulen.
“We are also working closely with officials and the Minister at Te Uru Rākau/ New Zealand Forest Service and key industry leaders to showcase potential bioeconomy export products from New Zealand’s vast forest resources.”
On May 20-21 May in Rotorua hundreds of business innovation and primary industry leaders will gather at this key event:
About Innovatek:
Everything we bring to our tech-conferences is to grow and improve our export returns for industry. Since 1998, we’ve partnered with industry innovators ready to share their successes with peers. This formula continues works well and has huge support form industry leaders. Our technology focus helps stimulate others to foster more breakthrough innovations in turn. See our full events calendar: Innovatek-Events