“Crown Jewel” Industry Steps Onto The Front Foot
TRENZ in Ōtautahi Christchurch is building momentum for the tourism industry after a first summer of recovery but it will take 2-3 years before it settles into a new normal pattern.

the message TIA Chief Executive Rebecca Ingram gave this
morning during a presentation at TRENZ, the country’s most
significant international business-to-business travel and
trade event.
“Tourism is a vital
contributor to New Zealand’s economic and social
wellbeing, generating wealth and supporting jobs in
communities around the country. It is one of our significant
export earners and has the potential to contribute more as
the recovery continues,” Rebecca Ingram
“Tourism is connected to so many
parts of our economy and communities. The return of
international visitors has made a difference to many New
Zealanders. It has breathed life into our cities and regions
and enables tourism businesses to step back on the front
foot, but the level of tourism recovery varies by region and
“It has been a good first summer
for many and new ways of operating that were developed
during COVID are now baked in with productivity gains and
new products, or different products proving
“The DNA of the industry is
forever changed as a result of the last three years and New
Zealand is uniquely well positioned to deliver a new
generation of tourism. Tourism for good, tourism with net
positive impact.
“To quote a recent Infometrics report: “tourism is a crown jewel in New Zealand’s economy, fortifying various industries, including retail trade, accommodation, and recreation services.”
“TRENZ is an important part of making that happen,” Rebecca Ingram said.