New Gender At Work Community Offers More Kiwis A Fair Go At Work
Today, Aotearoa’s only Gender accreditation, GenderTick, announces its expansion into a community of learning and action for organisations of all sizes.
Previously focused on large businesses, the YWCA which administers the accreditation has launched the Gender at Work Community which welcomes smaller businesses into the fold.
“In the very tight labour market that we have following Covid, organisations recognise that flexibility, inclusiveness and culture are being prioritised in job choice. Gender at Work will provide a place for businesses to access best practices and stay ahead of evolving workplace trends and values’” said Dellwyn Stuart, YWCA CEO.
The Gender at Work Community is a membership-based community where like-minded organizations can share, learn, grow and inspire others in progressing gender equality at work.
Members will benefit from new tools and resources such as the GenderStocktake diagnosis tool, a GenderPledge for smaller entities committed to gender equality, and policies and events to grow their skill base and enable change.