Merger To Unite Representation For Multi-billion-dollar Crop And Animal Health Industries
New Zealand’s two associations representing the crop protection and animal health industries will merge this month, with a name change to follow in July.
Agcarm (formerly known as the Agricultural Chemical and Animal Remedy Manufacturers’ Association) and the Animal Remedies and Plant Protectant Association (ARPPA) will join forces to become a single united industry voice named the Animal and Plant Health Association of New Zealand Inc. (abbreviated to Animal and Plant Health New Zealand).
The new association represents more than 90 percent of New Zealand’s animal health and crop protection manufacturers - a one-billion-dollar industry, with a value of $20 billion to the New Zealand economy - as well as rural retailer businesses and associate members.
“By joining together, we have one united industry voice representing our members to government, consumers and other stakeholders,” says Agcarm President Gavin Kerr.
“It’s an exciting and challenging time for our industry and the right time to unite and strengthen our voice,” adds Kerr. He is referring to the impacts of Covid-19 and the increasingly complex challenges of supply chains and new regulations.
“This significant milestone in our 74-year history enhances the capability and resources we offer our growing membership base,” says Kerr.
“We look forward to joining forces with ARPPA members and welcoming their contribution to continue our mission of Healthy animals, Healthy crops and Healthy business.”
ARPPA Chairperson Ed Catherwood says that his members “voted unanimously to join with Agcarm”.
“We’ve been working together as our interests have become increasingly aligned in recent years, so joining together as a single organisation is the obvious next step.
“This merger is a fitting tribute to the late Colin Harvey, a long time ARPPA Chairman and renowned industry veteran, who advocated for this merger,” adds Catherwood.